Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Founding Era & the Idea of America

One really important thing that I learned after watching this video was the extremely complicated process of how cases get to the Supreme Court. I had a little bit understanding of its role, but I didn’t realize how important the "writ of certiorari" was and how justices choose what cases they should hear. This process of how they select it is very crucial because it shapes the Court’s docket and overall it influences American law. My most important take-away that i gained from watching this video about the Supreme Court is the role that it has as the last word of interpretation of the constitution. This video showed me how the Court's decisions can have really long lasting impacts on civil rights,the interpretation of laws, and powers in the government, this makes it a really important part of checks and balances in the U.S. government. The most surprising thing that I learned had to be the extent that political and personal influences have on the decisions that the justices’ make. Even though I was kind of aware that Supreme Court justices could be chosen for political reasons, this video taught me how their personal beliefs and backgrounds very much affect how they interpret the law. This element added a lot of complexity to how people administer justice. My perception of the Supreme Court Also changed a bit after watching this video by seeing it strictly as a legal institution to view it as a constantly changing unit that has been shaped by influences in history, changes in society, and personal philosophies. I now am able to more so appreciate the subtle role that it plays in shaping not only legal cases but also in today's society's norms and values.


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