Sunday, December 8, 2024

My Relationship With technology

Technology is a really big part of my life every day, especially social media which I am going to be focusing on in this blog post. I use apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok on a daily basis, and I really like using them because they help me stay in touch with my friends and see what they are up to. Even if I'm unable to see someone in person, I can still be connected with them by sending them a message or commenting on their post. This way, it feels like we’re still connected. That is definitely one of my favorite things about technology, however, with that being said, it can cause me to procrastinate during times that I really need to focus on schoolwork or other important things in my life.

One of the best advantages of social media is how easy it is to stay connected with people. For example, I have cousins who live in Portugal and friends who go to college in different states, but we still are able to talk almost every day through Snapchat or DM on Instagram or tiktok. This makes me feel like we’re still a big part of each other’s lives even though we are in far apart places. Social media is also really good for sharing moments from my life with people by posting pictures or videos for my friends to see. It’s a fun thing to do and it keeps me feeling connected to everyone.

Even though I love using social media, I also know that it can be a huge distraction. There have been so many instances where I have told myself that I would take a quick five-minute break from my work, but then I end up scrolling on TikTok for hours on end, wasting the time I had to do my work. After this, I even still have homework or chores to do and have no time. It can get really frustrating for me because I know that I could have finished my work and had more free time afterwards if I hadn’t gotten myself sucked into my phone. Another problem is how difficult it can be for me to focus on things after I use social media. If I have been looking at videos or talking with my friends for too long, it’s hard for me to switch gears and get productive about studying or doing my homework. My brain just continues to want to check my notifications on social media instead of paying attention to what I’m supposed to be doing. At times it can feel like social media is always pulling me away from my real world.

Even though it causes me to procrastinate a large amount of the time, I wouldn’t say that social media is a fully bad thing. It helps me feel close to the people that I care about the most, which is such a crucial thing to me. I have been attempting to find ways to use social media with more responsibility such as setting time limits on my apps or ensuring that I complete my schoolwork prior to me starting to scroll. it's not always an easy thing for me to do, but I’m working on it every day. So overall, social media is something that I really enjoy and tend to rely on a lot, but I know that it can also be a problem if I’m not careful with how much I use it. I’m trying to find a better balance in my life so that I can still have fun with it while getting everything else done at the same time.

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My Relationship With technology

Technology is a really big part of my life every day, especially social media which I am going to be focusing on in this blog post. I use ap...